19.12.2011, 135th meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page.
G. Valentino: Simulator for beam-based alignment
R. Bruce: SixTrack simulations of collimation the 2011 LHC machine in physics conditions
I. Yazynin: Crystal collimation in SPS and LHC
07.11.2011, 134th meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page.
G. Stancari: Hollow electron beam collimation
10.10.2011, 133rd meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page.
B. Goddard: Upgrade proposals for IR6
A. Bertarelli: Materials for new collimators and test program
26.09.2011, 132nd meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page.
O. Aberle, P. Bestmann: Status report: alignment of collimators
L. Lari: Simulations of combined IR3 cleaning without DS collimators
12.09.2011, 131st meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page.
M. Cauchi: Preliminary assessment of beam impact consequences on collimators
S. Redaelli: Collimator settings in the operational cycle with beta*=1m
29.08.2011, 130th meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page.
D. Deboy: Acoustic measurements at LHC collimators
L. Lari: FLUKA simulations of single bunch impacts on collimators
18.07.2011, 129th meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page.
G. Stancari: Latest results on hollow electron beam scrapers
A. Rossi: Combined cleaning in IR3 - MD results and simulations
Round-table discussion on future studies as follow-up of the review
A. Marsili: Effect on the order of the loss maps measurements
04.07.2011, 128th meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page.
R. Assmann: Summary of collimation review
R. Bruce: FLUKA simulations of experimental background from collimation and beam-gas
06.06.2011, 127th meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page.
R. Assmann: Update on review preparation
F. Cerutti: FLUKA simulations of losses in the DS
K. Kershaw: Remote Handling design progress for the Collimation Upgrade project
P. Bestmann: Remote survey
A. Rossi: SixTrack simulations of IR3 cleaning with imperfections
23.05.2011, 126th meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page.
R. Assmann: Preparation for June review
G. Bellodi: Updates on ion collimation simulations with combined IR3 cleaning
F. Burkart: Halo scraping and loss rates at collimators
G. Smirnov: Comments on halo scraping
02.05.2011, 125th meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page.
H. Day: Impedance studies for new collimator designs
M. Karppinen: 11 Tesla Magnets
11.04.2011, 124th meeting
Minutes (PDF)
R. Bruce: van der Meer scan limits from collimation (slides)
R. Bruce: Collimation with reduced ATLAS beam pipe
D. Wollmann: Loss maps (slides)
G. Valentino: Improved setup system (slides)
04.04.2011, 123rd meeting
Minutes (PDF)
A. Rossi: Follow up from Chamonix (slides)
A. Bertarelli: Limits for beam-induced damage (slides)
M. Cauchi: Preliminary ANSYS studies for Tungsten collimators (slides)
B. Goddard: Asynchronous dump studies (slides)