03.12.2012, 153rd
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
J. Jowett: p-Pb run: general
commissioning plans, machine parameters and running conditions
R. Versteegen: Expected orbit shifts and beta-beat at the collimators during p-Pb run
B. Salvachua: Beam loss maps during the last p-Pb MD
26.11.2012, 152nd
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
G. Valentino: Preliminary Results from SPS BPM-equipped collimator MDs
A. Rossi: Status of Engineering Change Requests
S. Redaelli: Overview of LS1 Activities
29.10.2012, 151st
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
N. Mariani: Preliminary Results from the HiRadMat video camera
M. Sapinski: Updates on the steady-state quench limits (1)
P. P. Granieri: Updates on the steady-state quench limits (2)
15.10.2012, 150th
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
M. Cauchi: Preliminary results of TCT HiRadMat Tests
D. Deboy: Results of microphone tests in HiRadMat
A. Bertarelli: HiRadMat tests on collimator materials (HRMT14-LCMAT): Preliminary Results
01.10.2012, 149th
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
H. Day: TCTP impedance and power loss calculations
F. Carra: Choice of material for the TCTP ferrite supports
G. Cattenoz: Ferrite outgassing results
10.09.2012, 148th
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
B. Salvant: Update on observations and simulations for TCP.B6L7.B1
M. Garlasche: TCP.B6L7.B1: Analytical and numerical evaluations of unexpected heating
03.09.2012, 147th
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
R. Bruce: Introduction on TCLs in the experimental IRs J. B. Trummer: Results of dosimeter readings in IR3 and IR7
F. Cerutti: Implications of measurement results for radiation damage
B. Salvachua: Yearly beam loss rates in IR3 and IR7
30.07.2012, 146th
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
L. Esposito: Updates on FLUKA simulations of experimental IRs with TCLs
D. Deboy: TCT collimator test in HiRadMat
F. Carra: Expected damage on TCTA collimator during HRMT09-LCOL Experiment in HiRadMat
09.07.2012, 145th
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
A. Marsili: SixTrack simulations of the 4 TeV machine
L. Lari: SixTrack simulations of asynchronous dumps
B. Salvachua: BLM thresholds for IR3
29.06.2012, 144th
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
S. Redaelli: Introduction on TCLs in the experimental IRs
T. Markiewicz: Status of the SLAC Prototype Collimator
11.06.2012, 143rd
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
M. Deile: Fills for data taking
S. Redaelli: Operational strategies for roman pots
R. Bruce: Collimator settings in high-beta runs
04.06.2012, 142nd
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
R. Bruce: Introduction
S. Roesler: Observed radiation in IR3 during previous runs
M. Lamont: Yearly beam losses in past and future operation
F. Cerutti: Overview of IR3 FLUKA model and previous simulations
21.05.2012, 141st
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
F. Burkart: Calibration of BLM signals for lifetime and stability in 2011
B. Salvachua: 2011 Lifetime performance from collimator losses
A. Marsili: Beam Losses at the TCLs
07.05.2012, 140th
meeting. Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
A. Dallocchio: Approval of TCSP collimator drawing
O. Aberle: Overview of Collimation Work during TS1
G. Valentino: Collimation MD Results
B. Salvachua: Collimation Qualification Results after TS1
139th meeting. Minutes and
slides can be found on the Indico
G. Valentino: Results from LHC Collimator Beam-Based Alignment
N. Mounet: Instability Observations during Collimator Setup
D. Wollmann: Overview and
alignment results of the BPM button collimator prototype
A. Nosych: Non-linearities, simulation vs measurement results
M. Gasior: BPM electronics, results from the lab and LHC
138th meeting. Minutes and
slides can be found on the Indico
R. Bruce: Collimator settings in 2012
B. Salvachua: Results from Remote Collimation Commissioning
T. Markiewicz: Status of the SLAC collimator
137th meeting
Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
P. Bestmann: Measured misalignments of collimators
G. Valentino: New software for collimation setups
A. Nordt: Analysis of BLM signals at collimators
23.01.2012, 136th meeting
Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico
G. Stancari: Status report on hollow e-lens
O. Aberle: TCTP production schedule and constraints
C. Boccard: Status of vacuum leaks at BPM cables