Collimation Working Group |
14.10.2022, 269th meeting Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page. S. Redaelli: Collimation MDs approved in the blocks 1 and 2 D. Mirarchi: Asymmetric losses during off-momentum loss maps D. Mirarchi: Application for quench test V. Rodin: Power deposition studies for IR7 quench test P. Hemes: Studies of ADT excitation for quench test 07.10.2022, 268th meeting Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page. D. Mirarchi: Update on TCL strategy D. Mirarchi: Status of crystal collimator deployment F. Van Der Veken: Loss maps after recent re-qualification P. Hemes: Aperture measurements after recent re-qualification 29.07.2022, 267th meeting Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page. B. Lindstrom: Mitigation measures for IR7 impedance and cleaning M. D'Andrea: Considerations on TCL6 settings and analysis of TCL6 scans R. Bruce et al: General discussion on TCL6 settings P. Hemes: Studies for collimation quench test 08.07.2022, 266th meeting Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page. F. Van Der Veken: Overview of 2022 loss map qualification P. Hermes: Aperture measurements during proton commissioning A. Ciccotelli: FLUKA simulations of power load from BFPP in IR8 23.05.2022, 265th meeting Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page. D. Mirarchi: Experience from collimator HW commissioning M. D'Andrea: First results of LHC crystal tests B. Lindstrom: Collimator tilts found in beam-based alignments 09.05.2022, 264th meeting Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page. R. Cai: Updated tracking studies for Pb ion collimation with standard system J.-B. Potoine: IR7 energy deposition studies for Pb collimation A. Frasca: Studies of Pb ion bound-free pair production in IR8 29.04.2022, 263rd meeting -- Joint with MPP Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page. A. Rossi: In-jaw beam-beam wire commissioning procedure and schedule R. De Maria: Considerations on BSRTM aperture and operational settings J. Wenninger: BPM interlock implementation B. Lindstrom: Orbit analysis, proposal for 2022 BPM interlock settings and staging 11.04.2022, 262nd meeting Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page. D. Mirarchi: Collimator setting strategy for 2022 commissioning and run A. Kurtulus: Tune shift tests on low-impedance collimators M. D'Andrea: Crystal tests with protons G. Azzopardi: MDs for Improved collimator alignment R. Bruce: Background measurements during loss maps S. Morales Vigo: Scrapings for BLM response 14.03.2022, 261st meeting Minutes and slides can be found on the Indico page. M. Solfaroli: Status of new tools to generate collimator OP functions M. Gasior: Status of collimator BPMs D. Mirarchi: Users guide of pyLossMaps |