Minutes: |
65th meeting |
24.10.05 |
PDF, Slides |
64th meeting |
10.10.05 |
PDF, Slides |
63rd meeting |
16.09.05 |
PDF, Slides |
62nd meeting |
12.09.05 |
Slides |
61st meeting |
08.07.05 |
PDF, Slides |
60th meeting |
27.06.05 |
PDF, Slides |
59th meeting |
13.06.05 |
PDF, Slides |
58th meeting |
09.05.05 |
PDF, Slides |
57th meeting |
02.05.05 |
PDF, Slides |
56th meeting |
25.04.05 |
PDF, Slides |
55th meeting |
15.04.05 |
PDF, Slides |
54th meeting |
21.03.05 |
PDF, Slides |
53rd meeting |
14.03.05 |
PDF, Slides |
52nd meeting |
28.02.05 |
PDF, Slides |
51st meeting |
14.02.05 |
PDF, Slides |
50th meeting |
31.01.05 |
PDF, Slides |
06.03.05 Minutes (PDF)
Proposed tests with beam at SPS and TT40 (PDF)
Tests for collimator setup in the transfer lines (PDF)
24.10.05 Minutes (PDF)
Lamont Updated
estimates of loss loads in the LHC (PDF, PPT)
Radiation issues for collimator cooling water (PDF)
10.10.05 Minutes (PDF)
B. Goddard Updated layout of IR2/8
at the TCT/TCLI locations
S. Ramberger Review of radiation limits of the
IR3/IR7 warm magnets (PDF)
M. Magistris Simulated radiation doses at
the MBW's of IR7 (PDF)
A. Presland Ozone production
at IR7 (PDF)
16.09.05 Minutes (PDF)
A. Ryazanov: Shock wave investigations for in collimator
under 7 TeV proton impacts (PDF)
12.09.05 Minutes ()
Round table: Review of action
items (HTTP)
O. Aberle:
Measurements of collimator jaw deformation for the TT40
collimator (PDF)
Presland: Simulated
energy deposition and temperature rise in
the assembled jaw (PDF)
Bertarelli: Mechanical shock
calculations and proposed solution (PDF)
R. Assmann and S. Redaelli: Impact on the system performance (PDF)
08.07.05 Minutes (PDF)
W. Scandale Goals,
deliverables and timeline of crystal experiment (PDF)
W. Scandale Layout of crystal
experiment at the SPS (PDF)
External contributions from Italy and Russia (PDF)
27.06.05 Minutes (PDF)
J. Wenninger Orbit
feedback for collimation - presented at LHC MAC of 06/2005 (PDF)
LHC ion collimation - presented at LHC MAC of 06/2005 (PDF)
A. Presland
Energy deposition studies for accident case scenarios at 7 TeV (PDF)
Web repository of the aperture model for beam loss studies (http)
13.06.05 Minutes (PDF)
R. Assmann
Brain-storming on possible collimation priorities for the LHC startup (PDF)
Cleaning efficiency and beam losses with 0.6m long TCPs at IR7 (PDF)
M. Magistris Energy
deposition studies with passive absorbers at IR7 (PDF)
09.05.05 Minutes (PDF)
I. Kourotchkine Energy deposition in SC-link and
fibres at IR3 (PDF)
J.B. Jeanneret Quench limits of
superconducting links (PDF)
M. Magistris Update on
IR7 energy deposition studies (PDF)
C. Rathjen Estimate of deposited energy in the vacuum chambers (PDF)
02.05.05 Minutes (PDF)
G. Robert-Demolaize Loss maps with all LHC collimators, diluters
and absorbers (PDF)
G. Spiezia Collimator sound and
vibration measurements at the TT40 tests (PDF)
R. Assmann Phase-II collimator studies at SLAC and
CERN - preliminary thoughts (PDF)
A. Masi Order of
cables for IR3 (PDF)
25.04.05 Minutes (PDF)
E. Metral
Collimator impedance: SPS measurements vs theory (PDF1, PDF2, PDF3)
Update on vacuum pump functional specifications (PDF)
A. Presland Energy
deposition studies for failure scenarios at 7 TeV (PDF)
M. Santana Update on
energy deposition studies at IR7 (PDF)
O. Aberle
Availability of collimator prototypes (PDF)
15.04.05 Minutes (PDF)
D. Still (FNAL) Collimation experience at the Tevatron (PDF)
21.03.05 Minutes (PDF)
M. Magistris Status of energy
deposition studies at IR7 (PDF)
A. Ryazanov Effect of irradiation on
graphite materials (PDF, References)
14.03.05 Minutes (PDF)
A. Rossi Overview of
collimator pumping modules (PDF)
C. Rathjen Integration issues of
collimator pumping modules (PDF)
A. Presland Performance analysis of IR6 TCDQ
system for different load cases (PDF)
M. Magistris Status of energy deposition studies at IR7 (PDF)
28.02.05 Minutes (PDF)
H. Braun Trip Report from RHIC (PDF)
S. Redaelli FLUKA inputs for various
accident scenarios (HTTP)
S. Redaelli High resolution capacitive
gauge for measuring collimator jaw
positions - Results of TT40 test (PDF)
R. Losito Collimation
position control (PDF)
14.02.05 Minutes (PDF)
P. Collier Infrastructure layout of IR7 (PDF)
K. Tsoulou Update on radiation simulations at
the RR's of IR7 with active absorbers (PDF)
M. Santana Update on energy deposition studies
at IR7 with new absorbers -
heating of RF fingers (PDF)
G. Robert-Demolaize Preliminary estimates of cleaning inefficiency and
loss maps with
the new absorbers at IR7 (PDF)
A. Grudiev Update on HOM mode simulations (PDF)
S. Calatroni RF fingers for secondary collimators (PDF)
31.01.05 Minutes (PDF)
M. Magisris Update on energy
deposition studies at IR7 - new absorber locations (PDF)
Assmann Total number of collimators and absorbers
(V6.5) (PDF)
Rathjen Results of tests on flange
for ultra high vacuum (PDF)
Gasior Tunes measurements vs.
collimator gap at the SPS (PDF)
Grudiev Simulations of trapped modes in the LHC
collimator (PDF)
S. Redaelli Measuring the beam size by
scraping the beam with the collimator (PDF) |