Minutes: |
91st meeting |
13.12.07 |
PDF, Slides |
90th meeting |
10.12.07 |
PDF, Slides |
89th meeting |
12.07.07 |
PDF, Slides |
88th meeting |
04.07.07 |
PDF, Slides |
87th meeting |
15.06.07 |
PDF, Slides |
86th meeting |
07.05.07 |
PDF, Slides |
85th meeting |
23.04.07 |
PDF, Slides |
84th meeting |
19.03.07 |
PDF, Slides |
83rd meeting |
05.03.07 |
PDF, Slides |
82nd meeting |
19.02.07 |
PDF, Slides |
13.12.07 Minutes (PDF)
Round table: TCDQ controls issue
10.12.07 Minutes (PDF)
R. Assmann: Status of collimator installation and commissioning plan (PDF)
(Talk of the 22nd LHC machine advisory committee)
M. Jonker: Status of collimator controls (PDF)
12.07.07 Minutes (PDF)
F. Caspers: Proposal for impedance measurements on the collimator prototype (PDF)
M. Brugger: LHC passive absorbers (PDF)
Roesler: RP aspects for the LHC passive absorbers (PDF)
04.07.07 Minutes (PDF)
I. Yazynin: Possibilities of using the crystalline targets for beam
collimation in the LHC (PDF)
16.06.07 Minutes (PDF)
D. Bocian: Update on quench limit measurements (PDF)
M. Sapinski: Losses from wire scanners (PDF)
07.05.07 Minutes (PDF)
F. Cerutti: FLUKA studies for the LHC beam scrapers (PDF)
J. Jowett: Status and plans for the LHC ion collimation (PDF)
23.04.07 Minutes (PDF)
S. Redaelli: Preliminary MD planning for the 2007 SPS run (PDF)
C. Bracco: Collimator settings during the energy ramping (PDF)
T. Weiler: Aperture validation for the 2-beam collimators (PDF)
T. Weiler: Triplet aperture at 7TeV during the betatron squeeze (PDF)
19.03.07 Minutes (PDF)
P. Bestmann: Survey of collimator alignment in high radiation environment (PDF)
F. Cerutti: FLUKA studies on passive absorbers (PDF)
D. Kramer: Results of 2006 BLM tests at the SPS and proposal for 2007 MD's (PDF)
05.03.07 Minutes (PDF)
L. Sarchiapone: Updates on FLUKA simulation of TCDQ halo loads at IR6 (PDF)
K. Kershaw: Collimator handling in the LHC tunnel (PDF no photos, PDF, PPT)
19.02.07 Minutes (PDF)
A. Ryazanov: Studies of Radiation Damage in Irradiated Graphite
Collimator Materials for LHC (PDF1, PDF2 - 24MB with images) |