LHC Collimation Working Group
(former Beam Cleaning Study Group)
List of 2002 meetings

Minutes: 19th meeting 4.12.02 PDF

18th meeting 20.11.02 No Minutes

17th meeting 23.10.02 PDF, WORD

16th meeting 9.10.02 No Minutes

15th meeting 28.8.02 No Minutes

14th meeting 3.7.02 No Minutes

13th meeting 19.6.02 No Minutes

12th meeting 8.5.02 No Minutes

11th meeting 24.4.02 PDF, WORD

10th meeting 10.4.02 PDF, WORD

9th meeting 13.3.02 No Minutes

8th meeting 20.2.02 No Minutes

CERN meeting 25.1.02 PDF

179 pages!

7th Meeting 23.1.02 No Minutes

4.12.02      I. Kouroutchkine: Preliminary simulation of beam loss Monitor signals in IR3 (PDF)
(BCSG)     B. Jeanneret: Multi-turn tracking with graphite jaws (PDF)

20.11.02    M. Brugger: STRUCT/K2/FLUKA - Code Comparison (PDF)
(BCSG)      D. Kaltchev: Results with DIMAD/STRUCT (PDF)

23.10.02    R. Assmann: Maximum Orbit at Dump with Collimators (PDF)
(BCSG)     R. Schmidt: Principle of a Step Collimator
                  J.B. Jeanneret: Input for INB Radiation Studies

9.10.02      R. Assmann: Preliminary work flow for collimation project (PDF) and tasks (PDF)
(BCSG)     Roundtable: Discussion on pre-selection of materials
                  R. Assmann: Principle of a more robust and operationally simpler collimation system

28.8.02      M. Brugger: Recent experimental tests for various materials (PDF)
(BCSG)     M. Brugger: Scattering angles and momentum loss from FLUKA

3.7.02        R. Schmidt, J.B. Jeanneret: Plans for abort gap cleaning
(BCSG)     R. Assmann, D. Kaltchev: Status of comparison for simulation codes (PDF)
                  R. Assmann: First efficiency results with SixTrack and full error model (PDF)

19.6.02      V. Kain: Magnet Failure Impact (PDF)
(BCSG)     E. Gschwendtner: BLM Longitudinal Loss Profile for Tertiary Halo (PDF)
                  F. Schmidt and F. Zimmermann: Model for Halo Diffusion Speed/Amplitude Growth (PDF)
                  M. Lamont: Operational Requirements on Emittance Measurement from Collimation

24.4.02      L. Bruno: Test case on LHC collimators (PDF)
(BCSG)     I. Baishev: Informal discussion of scattering processes (PDF)

10.4.02      Roundtable discussion

13.3.02      V. Kain: Update on Studies for Magnet Failures (PDF)
(BCSG)     R. Assmann: Erratic beam dump with detailed kicker pulse (PDF)
                  R. Assmann: Single and multi-turn cleaning properties (PDF)
                  D. Kaltchev: Preliminary tracking results for the momentum cleaning (PDF)

20.2.02      E. Gschwendtner: Showering Studies for BLM's (PDF)
(BCSG)     M. Brugger: Plans for Dose Studies (PDF)
                  J.B. Jeanneret: Input definition for EST damage studies

22.1.02      Preparation meeting for LHC collimation day

12.12.02    T. Kurtyka: Plans for detailed damage studies
(BCSG)     Round-table: Brainstorming session on expected beam deposition at collimators


Other meetings/talks:

6.12.02      Minutes from Meeting on Status of Collimation Insertions (Word, PDF)
                  R. Assmann: The Project on LHC Collimation (PDF)
                  M. Brugger: Constraints to Handling of Collimators, Shielding and Vacuum Installations (PDF)

15.11.02    R. Assmann: The Project on LHC Collimation (PDF)
(meeting with Benvenuti's group)

13/9/02      R. Assmann: The LHC Collimation System (PDF)
(MAC - cancelled)

19.6.02      R. Assmann: LHC Quench Limit with Adjusted Collimator Jaws (PDF)

4/6/02        R. Assmann: Requirements and Design Criteria for the LHC Collimation System (PDF)

8.5.02        Round-table: Progress reports on ongoing activities

10.4.02      J.B. Jeanneret: Definition of the LHC Aperture (PDF)

6.3.02        J.B. Jeanneret: Why change something to the LHC collimation system? (PDF)

30.1.02      R. Assmann: CERN Meeting on Absorbers and Collimators for the LHC 
(LCC)        Beam on 25.1.02
Preliminary Summary (PDF)